Monday, September 12, 2011

Step by Step

This weekend I did make headway in cleaning up my son's room.  It was not as productive of a weekend as I had hoped.  I was able to finish packing up all of his old clothes and move those large rubbermaid containers into the hallway.  Eventually, they'll be stored in his closet, but right now that closet is a bigger mess than anything else.  I also started packing up all the books of mine on the shevles.  Unfortunately, as soon as I started that, he decided he didn't want to hang out in his crib anymore.  I might be able to get some more done this week, but I don't have high hopes.  Tomorrow will be my best bet.  We'll see.  Wish me luck!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Well, at least I'll call it progress.  Sunday, I did his laundry.  Monday, I got all of my clothes out of his room.  Tuesday, I cut out the material for the crib rail covers I want to make.  Today, I built the boxes that I'll use to store all my books that are currently on his bookshelves. 
Not very productive, but a little something everyday is better than nothing.  The problem I'm running into is that I get home around 6pm, which is late for me because now that my husband has a job (on the other side of town) I get to take my son to and from daycare which takes about an hour in the morning and evening.  When we get home, my son needs to nurse.  He can take anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour.  By then, I have about an hour or so to play with him, eat dinner, spend time as a family before it is time to get my son ready for bed.  So all of my work around the house during the week gets done after he is in bed, in his room.  That makes it a bit difficult to clean and organize said room. 
My plan to work around it is to come up with projects to do for his room that I can do outside of it and to work hard on it during the weekends.  We'll see how this coming weekend fares.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


I didn't do anything in the baby's room today.  We, my husband and son and I, were out running errands all day!  I planned to at least do his laundry when I got home, but that didn't work out either.  Tomorrow - laundry, vacuuming and getting my clothes out of his room.  I did take "before" pictures.  So you can see those below.

Getting Started

I will turn 30 years old in 30 days.  I usually don't get too worked up about milestone birthdays because my birthday is pretty late in the year and almost all of my friends hit that milestone a few months in advance of me.  It just doesn't seem like a big deal.  However, 30 feels a little different.  If I were going through a checklist, I've got the husband, a house, and the baby.  Check, check, check.  But, I'm not nearly as settled or organized as I'd like.  I have tons of paperwork that isn't filed away properly, I never know what to do with receipts so I just tuck them in different places, and my house is filled with clutter.  Most of that clutter is from items I find sentimental that really shouldn't be, like the first laptop that I ever had because my dad passed it on to me when he was done with it, or from stuff that I think will be useful in the future even though it hasn't been for the last 5 years.

Right now, the most urgent place on my list to declutter and organize is my son's room.  He recently started crawling with a purpose and he is showing interest in walking so I want him to have his own space where he can play and explore without hearing "no, don't touch that".  My husband is doing some home improvement projects in other parts of the house so my son can't explore elsewhere these days.

The problem with my son's room is that I'm storing all sorts of his, and my, stuff in the room.  Bins of old clothes, old toys, and the old car seat are all piled on one side of the room and I've got lots of my (sentimental) things on his bookshelf, where they don't belong.  Another issue is that it is not child proofed at all.  Medicine and lotions and soaps are all stored at just the right level for him to grab them while standing.

So, what to do about it  I read about a 30 Day Organizational Challenge (that was going on in 2007) and decided that's what I need.  I'm going to take the next 30 days to get his room 100% cleaned out, organized, and baby proofed.  If this goes well, I'll give myself a break and then start a new 30 day project.  Check back often because my goal is to get something done every day and I plan to post "before" pictures soon!