Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Well, at least I'll call it progress.  Sunday, I did his laundry.  Monday, I got all of my clothes out of his room.  Tuesday, I cut out the material for the crib rail covers I want to make.  Today, I built the boxes that I'll use to store all my books that are currently on his bookshelves. 
Not very productive, but a little something everyday is better than nothing.  The problem I'm running into is that I get home around 6pm, which is late for me because now that my husband has a job (on the other side of town) I get to take my son to and from daycare which takes about an hour in the morning and evening.  When we get home, my son needs to nurse.  He can take anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour.  By then, I have about an hour or so to play with him, eat dinner, spend time as a family before it is time to get my son ready for bed.  So all of my work around the house during the week gets done after he is in bed, in his room.  That makes it a bit difficult to clean and organize said room. 
My plan to work around it is to come up with projects to do for his room that I can do outside of it and to work hard on it during the weekends.  We'll see how this coming weekend fares.

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